Utah Jazz legend, Thurl Lee Bailey and wife, Sindi Bailey son Brendon Bailey is rising basketball pl

Thurl Lee Bailey is an American legendary National Basketball Association player. He has played for clubs like Utah Jazz, Timberwolves, Polti Cantu, Olimpia Stefanel Milano, and Minnesota during his professional career. He plays as a power forward for sixteen years for five different clubs.

Thurl Lee Bailey is an American legendary National Basketball Association player. He has played for clubs like Utah Jazz, Timberwolves, Polti Cantu, Olimpia Stefanel Milano, and Minnesota during his professional career. He plays as a power forward for sixteen years for five different clubs.

Moreover, after his playing career, he began his journey as an actor, singer, songwriter, and inspirational speaker. Till now he has involved in seven films and documentaries combined and has impressive feedback from the critics and fans. He even coaches in Salt Lake City to the limited players for a certain period of time.

Three Children with wife, Sindi Bailey

Legendary NBA player, Thurl is a married man. He exchanged his wedding vows with his longtime girlfriend, Sindi Bailey. Sindi was also Utah Valley State College basketball player when they first met for the first time back in 1989. However, at that time they were just friends and weren't that close. 

In 1992, the pair started seeing each other and soon engaged in a serious relationship. They dated casually for a couple of years and got married in 1994. As of now, the beautiful couple is bounded in nuptial vows for more than twenty-six years and seems very much happy with one another. 

Sindi often supports and helps Thurl in his works and plays basketball together in their free time. Furthermore, they are the parents of three children. Daughter, BreElle Bailey, and two sons, Bryson and Brendan Bailey. All three kids are full-grown and are currently pursuing their respective careers. Their son, Brendan is a basketball player who plays for Marquette and has a delightful future.

Shares two sons from the first marriage

Thurl has been married twice time till now. Before exchanging wedding vows with Sindi he was married to his college sweetheart. However, the name and the face of his first wife hasn't been yet revealed due to his nature of privacy. 

They share two sons from their marriage, Thurl. Jr and TeVaun Bailey. Despite sharing two kids the pair got divorced in the year 1990. Further, he also shares one daughter, Chonell Bailey from his high school sweetheart.

Net worth in Millions

Utah Jazz legend, Bailey has a net worth of $9 Million as of 2020. He has an average salary of $73,000 as a broadcast analyst for Utah University. Previously as an NBA player, he used to earn over $1 Million only in salary.

 Talking about his personal assets he has several high-class car collections and has a house in Salt Lake City which worth is over $1 Million. Moreover, he is also an actor and singer from which has surely added quite a good amount of sum into his account.

Another Utah Jazz legend Billy Donovan has a net worth of $14 Million as of 2020.


Six foot eleven inches tall, Thurl was born on 7th April 1961 in Washington, D.C. The United States. He attended North Carolina State University.

