Who is John McVie's wife Julie Ann Reubens? Age, bio, height, job, children, net worth

Renounced bassist John Graham McVie was born in Britain on November 26, 1945, and is 77 years old. He is well recognized for his time spent as a member of Fleetwood Mac since 1967 and John Mayall & the Bluesbreakers from 1964 to 1967.

Renounced bassist John Graham McVie was born in Britain on November 26, 1945, and is 77 years old.

He is well recognized for his time spent as a member of Fleetwood Mac since 1967 and John Mayall & the Bluesbreakers from 1964 to 1967.

The band’s name was created using his last name and Mick Fleetwood’s last name.

John McVie replaced temporary bassist Bob Brunning immediately after Fleetwood Mac was founded in 1967 by guitarist Peter Green.

The only two founding members of Fleetwood Mac still alive today are McVie and Fleetwood, who has appeared on every album the band has released for more than 50 years.

Who is John McVie’s wife Julie Ann Reubens? Age, bio, height, job, children, net worth

In 1978, John McVie wed Julie Ann Reubens for a second time, after his divorce from Christian Mcvie. Julie Ann gave birth to Molly Elizabeth McVie, the couple’s daughter, in 1989.

The age of Julie Ann is not known at the moment but we believe she will be in her 60s or 70s, compared to his husband’s age.

Her height, the job she does, and her net worth is all not known. We will update you as soon as possible.

