Angela Hornungs net worth, biography, fact, career, awards and life story

Table of Contents Angela Hornung is the wife of Paul Vernon Hornung, nicknamed The Golden Boy, a professional American football player and a Hall of Fame running back for the Green Bay Packers of the National Football League from 1957 to 1966. He played on teams that won four NFL titles and the first Super

Table of Contents

Angela Hornung Wiki – Angela Hornung Biography

Angela Hornung is the wife of Paul Vernon Hornung, nicknamed The Golden Boy, a professional American football player and a Hall of Fame running back for the Green Bay Packers of the National Football League from 1957 to 1966. He played on teams that won four NFL titles and the first Super Bowl. It is being reported that Hornung has died from dementia at the age of 84 on November 13, 2020.

Hornung was inducted into the Kentucky Sports Hall of Fame in 1975, National Football Foundation College Football Hall of Fame in 1985, Pro Football Hall of Fame in 1986, National High School Hall of Fame in 1989, and the Wisconsin Athletic Hall of Fame in 1990. In 2012, he was inducted in the inaugural class of the Louisville Catholic Sports Hall of Fame.

Angela Hornung Age

Angela Hornung’s age is unclear. Her husband, Paul Hornung, was born on December 23, 1935, in Louisville, Kentucky, and died on November 13, 2020, in Louisville, Kentucky, at age 84.

Paul Hornung & Angela Hornung

Hornung is survived by his wife of 41 years, Angela Hornung. Angela Hornung and Paul Hornung were married from 1979 until his death in 2020. Hornung’s first marriage to Patricia Roeder (Patricia Roeder Hornung) ended in divorce.

Paul Hornung Death & Cause

Paul Hornung, one of the all-time great college and pro football players from the 1950s and 60s, died on Friday, November 13th, 2020 in his hometown of Louisville at age 84. Hornung died following a long battle with dementia and is survived by his wife of 41 years, Angela Hornung.

? The Louisville Sports Commission is reporting that 1956 Heisman winner and Green Bay Packers legend Paul Hornung has passed away. He was 84 years old.

— CheeseheadTV ? (@cheeseheadtv) November 13, 2020

Hornung rose from humble beginnings in Louisville’s Portland neighborhood, where he was a three-sport star at Flaget High School. He then went on to attend Notre Dame at the suggestion of his mother and Sherrill Sipes, his best friend from high school who became his teammate with the Irish. To this day, Hornung and Sipes are the only two players from the same high school to start in the Notre Dame backfield at the same time.

Then a quarterback, Hornung won the Heisman Trophy in 1956, the same year he graduated from Notre Dame with a business degree. He continues to be recognized as one of the top players in the school’s rich football history.

“The Golden Boy” was the first pick in the 1957 NFL draft, and played mostly halfback for the Green Bay Packers under legendary coach Vince Lombardi, who once called him “the most versatile man ever to play the game.” The Packers would win NFL championships in 1961, 1962, and 1965, as well as Super Bowl I in 1967.

