Kayleigh McEnany age, husband, children, parents, net worth

Kayleigh McEnany was born on April 18, 1988 in Tampa, Florida, United States. She is the daughter of commercial roofing company owner Michael and Leanne McEnany. McEnany attended the Academy of the Holy Names, a private Catholic preparatory school in Tampa.

Kayleigh McEnany was born on April 18, 1988 in Tampa, Florida, United States. She is the daughter of commercial roofing company owner Michael and Leanne McEnany. McEnany attended the Academy of the Holy Names, a private Catholic preparatory school in Tampa.

Kayleigh McEnany is an American conservative political commentator and author who served the administration of Donald Trump as the 33rd White House press secretary from April 2020 to January 2021.

After graduating, she majored in international politics at Georgetown University’s School of Foreign Service in Washington, D.C. and she studied abroad at St Edmund Hall, Oxford. While at Oxford, she was taught politics by future British Labour politician Nick Thomas-Symonds. After graduating from Georgetown, McEnany spent three years as a producer on the Mike Huckabee Show.

McEnany attended the University of Miami School of Law for one year before transferring to Harvard Law School after completing her first (1L) year at the University of Miami.

As a college student, McEnany interned for several politicians, including Tom Gallagher, Adam Putnam and George W. Bush, and later worked in the White House Office of Communications, where she wrote media briefings.

On August 5, 2017, McEnany left her position at CNN. The following day, she hosted a 90-second webcast, Real News Update on Trump’s personal Facebook page. She praised Trump throughout the segment, saying she had brought the “real news” to the American people.

Kayleigh McEnany age

Kayleigh McEnany was born on April 18, 1988 and is currently 34 years.

Kayleigh McEnany husband

McEnany married Sean Gilmartin, a pitcher in Major League Baseball, in November 2017. Sean Patrick Gilmartin is an American professional baseball pitcher who is a free agent. He has played in Major League Baseball (MLB) for the New York Mets, Baltimore Orioles and Tampa Bay Rays.

Gilmartin was the 28th overall selection in the 2011 Major League Baseball draft by the Atlanta Braves. Prior to beginning his professional career, Gilmartin attended Florida State University, and was an All-American pitcher for the Seminoles baseball team.

McKnany and Gilmartin began dating in 2015 and married on November 18, 2017.

Kayleigh McEnany children

After their marriage in 2017, the couple announced the arrival of their second child. On December 1, 2022, McEnany announced the birth of their son Nash on Twitter.

Kayleigh McEnany parents

McEnany’s parent were Michael McEnany, Leanne McEnany. Kayleigh McEnany’s parents own a construction business. Kayleigh’s father, Michael, founded his construction company, McEnany Roofing, in 1985.

Kayleigh McEnany net worth

Kayleigh McEnany is an American political commentator and author who has a net worth of $1 million.

Source: www.ghbase.com

