Days of Our Lives Recap: Friday, January 19 Lucas Beaten, Clyde and Harris Face Off Holly Ex

Days of Our Lives recap for Friday, January 19 reveals that Konstantin Melounis (John Kapelos) confronted Steve Johnson (Stephen Nichols). Holly Jonas (Ashley Puzemis) got on the helicopter to be transferred to Rome.

Days of Our Lives Recap: Friday, January 19 – Lucas Beaten, Clyde and Harris Face Off - Holly Exits - Theresa & Brady Bond

Days of Our Lives recap for Friday, January 19 reveals that Konstantin Melounis (John Kapelos) confronted Steve Johnson (Stephen Nichols). Holly Jonas (Ashley Puzemis) got on the helicopter to be transferred to Rome.

Clyde Weston (James Read) blindsided Harris Michaels (Steve Burton). Plus, Theresa Donovan (Emily O’Brien) and Brady Black (Eric Martsolf) bonded as Alex Kiriakis (Robert Scott Wilson) turned to Maggie Horton Kiriakis (Suzanne Rogers).

DOOL recap and spoilers for Friday, January 19, 2024, reveal that Eric Brady (Greg Vaughan) is praying by Holly’s hospital bed.

While Eric’s prayers are said out loud, the camera zooms to the DiMera mansion.

Nicole Walker-DiMera (Arianne Zucker) finishes packing Holly’s things. Nicole holds Holly’s teddy bear as she sits on the bed.

Brady and Alex drag Theresa into the apartment. Theresa keeps fighting both of them. Theresa doesn’t want to relax or sit on the couch.

Theresa wants to dance, laugh, and party. Theresa complains that Alex and Brady are too serious.

Theresa keeps trying to leave, but Brady and Alex won’t let her. So, Theresa claims she has to run a quick errand. That doesn’t work either.

Konstantin runs into Steve. Konstantin mentions the look of fear on Steve’s face when the name “Aria” was brought up.

DOOL recap and spoilers for Friday, January 19 reveal that Lucas Horton (Bryan Dattilo) is in the prison infirmary.

Lucas isn’t awake and his face is horribly beaten. Kate Roberts Brady (Lauren Koslow) blames Harris. Kate vents as Harris stands motionless, looking guilty.

Eric finishes his prayer and says Amen. Eric is startled when someone says Amen from behind him.

It’s Maggie, who is there to say goodbye to Holly as well. Maggie says it’s ironic that she’s spent most of her adult life devoted to sobriety and helping others with their own recoveries.

However, Maggie adds that she lost her daughter Summer Townsend (Marie Wilson) to drugs and alcohol. Now, Maggie might lose her granddaughter to drugs as well. Eric brings up how he killed Daniel Jonas (Shawn Christian) by drinking and driving.

Maggie talks about forgiveness and how she had to move past it for Holly’s sake.

Maggie says Eric was a father to Holly longer than EJ DiMera (Dan Feuerriegel) or even Holly’s own father, Daniel. Maggie and Eric share an embrace.

Days of Our Lives recap and spoilers for Friday, January 19 reveal that EJ walks into Holly’s room at the DiMera mansion. Nicole is still holding the teddy bear.

Nicole tells EJ that Holly’s had that bear since she was 3. Even at 17 years old, Holly still sleeps with that bear.

EJ offers to go with Holly and Nicole to Rome. Nicole says EJ has important work to do here. Nicole says that Holly made her a better person.

When Holly comes home, Nicole wants EJ to make sure that the people responsible can’t hurt anyone ever again.

Harris tries to explain himself to Kate. However, Kate will never trust Harris again.

Lucas sighs and groans. Lucas tells them both to stop bickering. Lucas adds that his mother is giving him a headache.

Theresa is being belligerent. Theresa claims she is the happiest she has been in her entire life and doesn’t need help. Brady says she’s just high.

Theresa mentions Tate Black (Jamie Martin Mann). Theresa thinks Tate is being punished because of her sins. Theresa mocks Eric praying and pretending he cares.

Theresa screams at Brady and Alex, how can they not see how wrong this is? Theresa’s face turns beet red and she looks like she’s about to pass out.

Then, everyone looks at the ground. Theresa broke her grandmother’s rosary she was gripping onto it so tight.

Harris asks Lucas what happened. Lucas explains he was jumped from behind in the yard. Lucas said they said a lot of things he can’t repeat in front of his mother.

Lucas asked the wrong people a few too many questions, that’s all he knows. Harris confesses they might have a dirty cop and wants to know who Lucas spoke to.

Lucas mentions a guard named Adams, Hazel from the cafeteria, and Mark the janitor. Lucas thought he could trust them.

Nicole and EJ walk into Holly’s hospital room to see Maggie and Eric. EJ says the helicopter will be there in five minutes and Holly will be in Rome by nightfall. Maggie says goodbye to Holly.

Days of Our Lives recap and spoilers for Friday, January 19 reveal that Brady and Alex help Theresa pick up the rosary beads.

Brady and Alex assure Theresa that her grandmother’s rosary is okay. Theresa thinks it’s a sign she’s doomed. Alex and Brady get Theresa to the couch. Brady urges Theresa to drink water.

Alex suggests giving Theresa something stronger to get her to relax a bit. Brady tells Alex that is a very bad idea. Alex doesn’t know what to do. Brady suggests that Alex leave, even though it’s Alex’s apartment.

Steve tells Konstantin to go back to Greece. Konstantin thinks Steve is feeling guilty. Steve walks away, but freezes when Konstantin mentions The Pawn.

Steve turns around and claims chess isn’t his game.

Konstantin explains that years ago, Victor Kiriakis (John Aniston) won a match, and his coveted prize was The Pawn.

Konstantin adds that The Pawn was a man of mystery who played an important role in Victor’s life and by extension, Konstantin’s life.

Nicole says that everything that used to matter so much doesn’t really mean much anymore.

Holly’s overdose has really put things in perspective for a lot of people, Nicole included.

Kate thought Lucas getting out of prison would be worth the risk. Kate says that Harris promised that Lucas would be kept safe.

Kate calls Harris a liar. Kate brings up that Lucas still has a target on his back. Kate demands Harris get Lucas out of prison now. Harris leaves to make a phone call.

Alex reminds Brady that this is his apartment. Alex adds that Theresa is his girlfriend. Brady apologizes, then says Theresa is comfortable being her worst self in front of him.

However, Brady thinks Theresa is getting agitated because of Alex. Brady explains that Theresa likes Alex, so she feels embarrassed, and that is actually making her so agitated. Brady suggests that Alex leave to get donuts and coffee for Theresa.

Brady tells Alex to also pick up some dark chocolate. Alex leaves while Theresa is stumbling around. Theresa starts to fall and Brady catches her in his arms.

Eric asks Nicole to keep him updated about Holly. Nicole tells Eric to enjoy his baby boy. EJ asks Eric to give him and Nicole some alone time with Holly. EJ promises to get justice done in Holly’s name.

Harris comes back. Harris spoke to the governor state’s attorney and Lucas can’t be released yet. Lucas has to meet the terms, which include providing evidence that can be used in court.

Basically, Lucas didn’t get them enough good information. The raids didn’t lead to a source. Harris promises that he will do whatever is necessary to get Lucas out of prison.

Maggie sees Alex and says good morning, but keeps walking. Alex asks Maggie to stop. Maggie doesn’t have the strength to deal with anything right now. Alex says it’s about Theresa and she’s in trouble.

Theresa finally snaps out of her high and realizes what happened. Theresa looks at Brady and begs him to tell her it was just a bad dream.

Theresa and Brady talk about her caving after several years of sobriety. Theresa doesn’t understand.

Brady talks Theresa up and reminds her that she’s come a long way. That is when Theresa slips and mentions doing “horrible things recently.”

Steve wants to know if The Pawn played such an important role in Konstantin’s life, then how can he not know who the man’s identity?

Konstantin said it was just a name until he saw his eyes… he will never forget those eyes. Konstantin insists that Steve knows who the Pawn is.

Steve tries to walk away, but Konstantin yells that he needs to know.

Harris promises to fix this for Kate. A guard walks in and there is a visitor there to see Harris.

The detective wants to know who it is and how they knew he was there. The guard said the man just said he needed to talk to Harris. Before leaving, Harris promises to find a way to get Lucas out.

Maggie asks where Theresa is now. Alex says she’s with Brady. Alex tells Maggie everything that happened so far.

Alex brings up Brady suggesting he’s agitating Theresa even further. Maggie says Brady is right, caffeine and sugar will help.

Maggie is proud of Alex for including Brady. Not only does Brady know Theresa very well, but he’s a recovering addict too. Maggie says Alex did the right thing.

Alex asks what happens after Theresa is back to normal and Brady is gone, what does he say to her? Maggie suggests encouraging her to go to meetings. Maggie adds that Alex should be kind and not judgmental. Alex adds that he’s not going to drink around Theresa anymore.

Maggie said that in the first few weeks that would be helpful, but addicts eventually have to get used to people drinking around them.

Still, Alex wants to abstain from alcohol for a while. Maggie said Alex can call her if he needs anything.

Brady wants to know what Theresa is talking about. What recent horrible things? Theresa says she’s a failure. Brady says it was ONE slip.

Brady says that Tate will be okay. Theresa flips out, and makes Brady promise not to tell Tate she relapsed. Brady and Theresa talk about their cravings and struggles.

Brady makes a joke, which gets a smile from Theresa. Brady tells Theresa that she will fight and come back stronger. But she’s got to do it for herself, not just for Tate.

Eric watches as EJ and Nicole kiss at the hospital. They are saying goodbye. Nicole gets into the elevator.

Eric and EJ stand next to each other for a moment and give each other a look, but Eric walks away without saying a word.

Theresa apologizes for Alex calling him. Brady says he wants to be there for her.

Theresa is glad he is there. Theresa mentions they still had good times together even though they blew up. Theresa thought that Brady would hate her forever and wouldn’t be her friend, but there he is, being kind and understanding.

Theresa thanks Brady for being her friend. Theresa suddenly kisses Brady when Alex walks in. Brady is kissing her back.

Konstantin demands Steve tell him about the Pawn. Steve yells that there is nothing to tell and to get out of the way.

Steve gives Kon’s chest a quick push. Steve grabs Konstantin by the jacket and yanks him back and forth. Steve growls that he’s had enough of the old man when Maggie sees the two men.

Lucas tells Kate he takes after her. Kate tells Lucas that she’s proud of him. Lucas is falling back asleep.

Harris walks into the visitor room to face Clyde Weston (James Read). Clyde says he wants to have a chat about the current events in Salem, including what happened to Lucas.

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