Meet Krista Nicole Campbell Photos of Erica Campbells Daughter with Warryn Campbell

Erica Campbells daughter Krista Nicole Campbell was born on the 13th of September 2004. She is the first child of Erica with husband, Warryn Campbell. The singer is a mother of three children. Krista has got a small brother and a sister namedWarryn Campbell IIIandZaya Monique Campbell. The small family of Erica Campbell is an

Erica Campbell‘s daughter Krista Nicole Campbell was born on the 13th of September 2004. She is the first child of Erica with husband, Warryn Campbell. The singer is a mother of three children.

Krista has got a small brother and a sister named Warryn Campbell III and  Zaya Monique Campbell. The small family of Erica Campbell is an epitome of a happy family.

Erica Campbell’s Daughter Krista Has Inherited Her Singing Skill

Maybe the singing genes run in most of the members of the Campbell family. Erica’s daughter Krista looks like a mini version of hers whenever she starts singing. Krista began singing from her very early age. Over the years the singing skills of Krista has flourished a lot. Plus just a couple of months ago she sang the national anthem for a WNBA game. We bet Erica was one proud mom.

If Erica Campbell’s daughter Krista continues her singing, then she might end up being a huge musician someday. Along with that the little Zaya also has got a good voice. The 14-year-old Krista has got a bright future ahead of her. She also has won the title of Little Miss African American.

The mommy’s little girl is growing day by day. Krista makes sure to accompany her mother wherever she goes. The mother-daughter duo can be spotted in different events and red carpets a lot. They have got such a lovely mother-daughter relationship, don’t they?

Krista Nicole Opens About Being Bullied

It’s tough growing up when you are constantly bullied. A few months ago, Krista Nicole opened about how she was being bullied because of her skin color.

In one of the episodes of We’re the Campbell, a TV One’s reality show, Krista stated how some girls at her school called her ‘darkie’ and declined to play with her. It really must have been a difficult moment for the little Krista, and that incident caused a lasting impact on her self-esteem.

Krista Nicole Campbell- Name Meaning

The name Krista is a variant of the name Christian which means “follower of Christ.”

As for the name Nicole, it is of Greek origin meaning “victory of the people.” It is also the feminine version of the name Nicolas.

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