Nicki Minaj Explains Her Michael B. Jordan Shout-Out at the 2018 PCAs

So what's the story behind her flirty comment? Are Minaj and Jordan good friends? "No," Minaj told E! News' Jason Kennedy during an exclusive backstage interview. "I think he introduced himself to me one time, I believe at the Met Gala."

So what's the story behind her flirty comment? Are Minaj and Jordan good friends?

"No," Minaj told E! News' Jason Kennedy during an exclusive backstage interview. "I think he introduced himself to me one time, I believe at the Met Gala."

Minaj then explained why the actor, who was just named one of GQ's Men of the Year, was on her mind during the show.

"I was watching Black Panther last night, so he was just...happened to be fresh in my mind," she shared.

Later on in the night, Minaj also gave Kim Kardashian a special shout-out during her Album of 2018 acceptance speech.

