Can polenta go out of date?

2 Answers. Yes, it can go bad. Its pretty much the same as the way flour can go bad: the fats can go rancid. Grains are mostly starch, but they contain enough fat for rancidity to be a noticeable problem.Click to see full answer. Similarly, you may ask, can you use out of date polenta?We

2 Answers. Yes, it can go bad. It’s pretty much the same as the way flour can go bad: the fats can go rancid. Grains are mostly starch, but they contain enough fat for rancidity to be a noticeable problem.Click to see full answer. Similarly, you may ask, can you use out of date polenta?We normally recommend if you want to consume our polenta after the best by date, be sure it’s not more than three months past. Please use your best judgement and caution though, and do not eat if the product has visible mold or an off smell. We cannot guarantee any product past the expiration date.Also Know, how long can you use cornmeal after the expiration date? Cornmeal Expiration Date Unopened or Opened (and re-sealed) Pantry Freezer Past Printed Date Cornmeal last for 1-2 Years 3-5 Years Similarly, it is asked, how long does unopened polenta last? Fine-ground polenta keeps for a longer period as it is de-germinated and does not contain the oil from the germ. Keep unopened instant polenta in a cool, dry area for approximately two months. Store leftover instant polenta in a resealable airtight container in the fridge for around two days.How long can you keep cooked polenta in the fridge?As long as your polenta was put in the refrigerated in 2-3 hours after it was made it should be safe to eat for 5 days to a week. I would watch for quality changes and mold and if you notice mold definitely not eat it. How long you can keep it depends on how cold your refrigerator is.

