The Brothers Chapss biography, net worth, fact, career, awards and life story

Matthew Matt Alan Chapman (born November 1, 1976) and Michael Mike Raymond Chapman (born September 20, 1973), known collectively as The Brothers Chaps, are American writers, voice actors, directors, producers and composers. They are best known as the creators of the animated series Homestar Runner.

IntroAmerican voice actor
Voice actor 
FromUnited States of America 
TypeFilm, TV, Stage & Radio 
Birth1 November 1976, Indiana, U.S.A.
Age:43 years

MatthewMattAlan Chapman (born November 1, 1976) and MichaelMikeRaymond Chapman (born September 20, 1973), known collectively as The Brothers Chaps, are American writers, voice actors, directors, producers and composers. They are best known as the creators of the animated series Homestar Runner.

They are originally from Indiana, but now live in Atlanta, Georgia. Growing up in the 1980s, the Brothers Chaps were creating comic books, filming Super 8 movies and eventually toying with a video camera.

Matt is the primary voice actor for Homestar Runner. For a time, he worked as a writer and director for the children’s television series Yo Gabba Gabba!; he also worked for the Disney Channel animated series Gravity Falls and The Hub live-action series The Aquabats! Super Show!, where he also contributed occasional voice work and supporting acting roles. Most notably on The Aquabats! Super Show!, he played the main antagonist of the season one episode “CobraMan!”, playing a sleazy carnival barker named Carl, whose voice and appearance were modeled directly after Strong Bad. Matt wrote the Wander Over Yonder episodes “The Bounty” and “The Timebomb” in collaboration with the show’s writing staff.

Mike is responsible for half of the Adobe Flash animation, as well as the technical aspects of a site; he also provides intentionally poor imitations of his brother’s voice work for the Powered by The Cheat cartoon series. He has also served as a writer for Yo Gabba Gabba!, and like his brother Matt has collaborated with the Wander Over Yonder staff, credited for writing the episode “The Liar”.

The brothers have a general development deal with Disney Television Animation, and are currently developing a series of short animations for Disney XD titled Two More Eggs. They have directed several music videos, including “Heimdalsgate Like a Promethean Curse” by Of Montreal, “Experimental Film” (featuring the Homestar Runner characters, most notably Strong Sad) and “Figure Eight” by They Might Be Giants, “Brand of Skin” by Folk Implosion, and “LA Lindsay” by Y-O-U, the band who also collaborated with the brothers on Strong Bad Sings.

