Marjorie Taylor Greene Children: Meet Lauren, Taylor & Derek

Marjorie Taylor Greene children-American politician,Marjorie Taylor Greenewas born on May 27th, 1974 in Milledgeville, Georgia in the United States of America. She was born to Robert Taylor and Delle Taylor.Greeneearned a high school diploma from South Forsyth High School in Cumming, Georgia, in 1992, and a bachelors degree in business administration from the University of

Marjorie Taylor Greene children-American politician, Marjorie Taylor Greene was born on May 27th, 1974 in Milledgeville, Georgia in the United States of America.

She was born to Robert Taylor and Delle Taylor. Greene earned a high school diploma from South Forsyth High School in Cumming, Georgia, in 1992, and a bachelor’s degree in business administration from the University of Georgia in 1996.

READ ALSO: Marjorie Taylor Greene Husband: Meet Perry Greene

Greene made references to the September 1990 event at her high school, in which an armed student held 53 classmates hostage for more than five hours, in statements made in 2019 and on February 4, 2021, in a House floor speech, outlining her opinion on gun rights and school shootings.

Greene and her husband Perry purchased Taylor Commercial, a general contracting business that Greene’s father had founded in Alpharetta, Georgia, in 2002 from Greene and her father. Its vice president and president are the two spouses.

From 2007 to 2011, Greene was described as Taylor Commercial’s chief financial officer, but an inquiry by the Atlanta Journal-Constitution in 2021 found that she had little to no involvement with the business. Greene left his position as the company’s CFO in 2011 and started doing CrossFit.

By 2012, Greene was a part-time coach at a CrossFit gym in Alpharetta. She and CrossFit competitor Travis Mayer co-founded the Alpharetta, Georgia, CrossFit Passion gym in August 2013. She left the company in early 2017.

Greene claimed in a 2015 interview that she and Mayer had minimal business management experience when they started the gym. Greene claimed in 2021 that she got involved in politics during the 2016 Republican Party presidential primaries.

She started writing 59 pieces as a correspondent for the now-defunct American Truth Seekers, a website that published conspiracy theories, in 2017. In January 2018, she started writing 27 articles for Law Enforcement Today, a site that publishes fake news that supports the police.

Greene traveled to Washington, D.C. in 2017 to demonstrate against a Republican compromise on gun control. Greene was a senior member of the Family America Project, a 2018-founded conservative organization.

Greene visited the US Capitol and congressional offices in February 2019. Greene called Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez to unlock the door and “face the American public that you serve” in a Livestream video that she posted on Facebook. Greene also urged Ocasio-Cortez to “get rid of your diaper.”

She also made a call to Ocasio-daycare Cortez’s center. Greene erroneously asserted that Representatives Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib were not “official” representatives because they were sworn into Congress on the Quran while visiting their offices.

In addition to other extreme conspiracy theories, such as those about government involvement in mass shootings in the United States, the debunked Clinton Body Count murder allegations, and 9/11 conspiracy theories, Greene has promoted antisemitic, white supremacist, and far-right conspiracy theories. These theories include the white genocide conspiracy theory, QAnon, and Pizzagate.

She advocated for the execution of important Democratic Party figures including Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama before declaring for the Congress. She linked the COVID-19 safety regulations to the persecution of Jews during the Holocaust while serving as a congresswoman, eventually apologizing for the latter comparison. She also compared the Democratic Party to the Nazi party.

Greene supported Russian propaganda and lauded Vladimir Putin during the Russian invasion of Ukraine in 2022. Greene describes herself as a nationalist Christian. Strongly backing the former president Donald Trump, Greene helped and encouraged Trump to try to rig the 2020 U.S. presidential election. Greene has since backed Trump’s fabricated allegations that the election was rigged.

As a member of the Sedition Caucus, a group of Republican lawmakers who unsuccessfully challenged votes cast for Joe Biden in the 2021 United States Electoral College vote count despite the fact that federal agencies and courts monitoring the election found no evidence of electoral fraud, she called for the results of the 2020 U.S. presidential election in Georgia to be declared invalid.

Due to her words and support for political violence, the U.S. House of Representatives decided on February 4, 2021, to remove her from all committee positions. Eleven Republicans voted together with all of the Democrats.

Marjorie Taylor Greene children: Meet Lauren, Taylor and Derek

Greene and her husband, Perry Greene have been blessed with three children in their 27 years of marriage. The names of their children as Lauren, Taylor and Derek.

None of their children are minors according to the divorce petition submitted to Marjorie Taylor Greene by her husband’s legal team.

