Neil Diamond Lost A Ton Of Money In His Divorce From Second Wife Marcia Murphey

Neil Diamond has many regrets about his divorce from Marcia Murphey, but giving away half his fortune isn't one of them. After 25 years of marriage, the former television production assistant filed for divorce from Diamond and walked away with a rumored $150 million. Almost a decade later, Diamond revealed the sum to be untrue

Neil Diamond has many regrets about his divorce from Marcia Murphey, but giving away half his fortune isn't one of them. After 25 years of marriage, the former television production assistant filed for divorce from Diamond and walked away with a rumored $150 million. Almost a decade later, Diamond revealed the sum to be untrue but admitted it was a good amount of money. "She got enough to live on for the rest of her life," he told the Daily Mail. When asked if he felt guilty about how his marriage ended, he shared, "Somewhat. It's true. I did feel bad. I don't have many feelings about my divorce now because it was 20 years ago." Diamond still keeps in touch with Murphey but only when necessary. "When it's called for. To talk about the kids. Sometimes to talk about other things," he stated.

Despite the ambiguous large sum Diamond had to shell out, he has no hard feelings about his ex-wife and has said that she's "worth every penny." After the divorce, the singer-songwriter struggled with his feelings of guilt and turned to doing what he loves to help him heal.

