Top 12 Ugliest people in the world 2023 (With Pictures)

Who are the Ugliest people in the world? While it may not be a desirable title that most individuals consciously aspire to, the reality is that there is someone who holds the unofficial title of the ugliest person in the world.

Who are the Ugliest people in the world?

While it may not be a desirable title that most individuals consciously aspire to, the reality is that there is someone who holds the unofficial title of “the ugliest person in the world.”

This label pertains to individuals with an appearance that is generally perceived as unpleasant.

Curiously enough, some individuals take pride in being associated with this designation.

While it is entertaining to learn about the most attractive and beautiful people in the world, it can also be interesting to explore the opposite end of the spectrum and discover who is considered the ugliest person in the world.

Therefore, let’s delve into this topic and gain insight into individuals who have been associated with this label.

Godfrey Baguma

Godfrey Baguma, a 53-year-old Ugandan national, is known as the person widely regarded as the “ugliest” in the world.

His unique appearance stems from an undisclosed medical condition that has deformed his face.

Baguma gained public attention back in 2002 when he participated in a competition seeking to identify the “ugliest” person in Uganda, as he hoped to secure funds for his family.

He emerged as the winner of the contest and has held the title ever since.

Despite his physical appearance, Baguma has experienced three marriages and is a father to eight children.

Presently, he engages in various professions, working as a public speaker, singer, and comedian, adopting the stage name Ssebabi.

Maison Sere

In 2015, Maison Sere participated in the annual competition held in Zimbabwe to determine the ugliest man in the country.

The competition featured 35 individuals, including the incumbent who had previously won the title three times consecutively.

Despite the competition, Sere emerged victorious, surpassing the other contestants and earning the coveted title of Mr Ugly.

As a reward, he received a prize of $500.

Sere gained recognition on a global scale due to his distinct appearance, characterized by missing teeth, which contributed to his classification as one of the “ugliest” people worldwide.

Currently, at 48 years old, Sere resides in Harare, Zimbabwe.

The Mr. Ugly competition, initiated in 2012, aims to acknowledge and appreciate unconventional beauty within the concept of “ugliness.”

Williams Masvinu

Williams Masvinu held the esteemed title of the reigning champion in the Zimbabwean Mr Ugly competition for an impressive three consecutive years until it was eventually relinquished.

Winning the contest held significant importance for Masvinu, as it stood out as one of the most notable achievements in his life.

Despite conventional beliefs that being considered “ugly” holds no advantages, Masvinu experienced numerous endorsement deals and received awards as a result of his Mr Ugly title.

Masvinu’s distinct appearance, characterized by a prominent nose and distinctive facial expressions, contributed to his recognition as an individual with unconventional beauty.

The Zimbabwean government initiated the Mr Ugly contest in 2009, offering an opportunity for individuals like Masvinu to embrace and celebrate their unique appearance without feeling self-conscious or negative about it.

This contest has provided a platform for individuals to find glory and acceptance in their own skin, challenging societal norms and perceptions of beauty.

Etienne Dumont

While many individuals strive to avoid looking unattractive, Etienne Dumont takes a different approach.

This literary critic actively embraces being different and seeks to stand out from the crowd.

Dumont has covered 99 percent of his body with tattoos, sports a five-centimeter ring in his ear tunnel, wears distinctive glasses resembling those of a young bull, and even has silicone implants under his skin.

Collectively, these features contribute to his intimidating and unconventional appearance, earning him a place among the individuals considered the “ugliest” in the world.

Dumont’s deliberate pursuit of a unique and unconventional aesthetic sets him apart, as he intentionally aims to be recognized as one of the ugliest individuals in the world.

Lizzie Velásquez

In 2006, when Lizzie Velasquez was just 17 years old, she came across a YouTube video titled “The World’s Ugliest Woman,” featuring herself.

She was deeply shocked and hurt by the millions of hurtful comments and hateful remarks about her appearance.

Velasquez was born with a rare syndrome that inhibits her from gaining weight, and she is also blind in one eye.

When she was born, doctors gave her parents a grim prognosis, predicting that she would never be able to walk, talk, or lead an independent life.

Today, at the age of 34, Lizzie Velasquez has defied the odds and become an author, motivational speaker, anti-bullying activist, and influential figure on YouTube.

Through her personal platform, she shares her own experiences to inspire and encourage others who have faced bullying.

One of her TED Talks went viral, accumulating millions of views on YouTube.

Despite the challenges she has encountered, Lizzie Velasquez refused to let adversity define her and continued to raise her voice until she was heard.

Her resilience and determination have enabled her to rise stronger after every setback.

In her own words from the trailer, she affirms, “…all I know is being knocked down and getting back stronger…”

Joshua Glen Box

Joshua Glen Box’s appearance is widely regarded as unpleasant due to the absence of his nose and the multiple facial injuries he has sustained.

However, it is important to note that physical appearance alone does not determine a person’s inner qualities.

Regrettably, Box’s actions further contribute to the negative perception of him.

In 2015, he faced charges related to the distribution of child pornography, and in 2018, he pleaded guilty to receiving materials involving the sexual exploitation of a minor.

These actions have added to the unfavorable perception of him, placing him on the list of individuals considered among the “ugliest” people in the world.

It is a reflection of both his physical appearance and his actions that have earned him this dubious distinction.

Eric Sprague

Eric Sprague, also known as the Lizardman, has earned a reputation as one of the individuals considered among the “ugliest” people in the world.

While creativity and the desire to express individuality are generally positive attributes, in Sprague’s case, they do not result in a universally appealing effect.

The Lizardman is renowned for being one of the pioneers in getting a split tongue, and he has extensively modified his body to resemble that of a reptile.

His alterations include sharpened fangs, Teflon horns inserted beneath the skin of his brows, elongated septum and earlobes, tattooed green lips, a split tongue, subdermal implants, and a green scale tattoo that covers a significant portion of his body.

Sprague’s commitment to transforming himself into a reptilian creature is certainly noteworthy.

However, his chosen appearance tends to evoke fear or unease in most observers, contributing to the perception of him as a person with a frightening aesthetic.

Micheal Berryman

Michael Berryman is widely recognized for his unsettling and memorable portrayals of creepy characters, particularly in the 1970s horror film “The Hills Have Eyes,” where he played the role of Pluto.

His unique and eerie appearance granted him an advantage in securing roles as mutant bikers, evil undertakers, monsters, and other spooky characters in various horror movies.

Despite being regarded as one of the “ugliest” individuals in the world, many people are unaware that Berryman actually suffers from a rare condition called Hypohidrotic Ectodermal Dysplasia.

This condition is characterized by the absence of sweat glands, fingernails, hair, and teeth, among other physical features.

Berryman’s condition adds to his distinct appearance, which has served him well in his acting career, particularly in the horror genre.

Dennis Avner

Dennis Avner, also known as Man Tiger, Stalking Cat, Cat, or Catman, is widely considered one of the individuals with an unconventional and unique appearance that some might perceive as “ugly.”

Avner made significant modifications to his body in his pursuit of resembling a female cat.

Avner’s desire to stand out from others and his identification with cats led him to undergo various surgical procedures to achieve his desired feline-like look.

In an interview with Only Human, he expressed a lifelong connection and affinity towards cats, stating that he has always related to them.

While many individuals may opt for plastic surgery to enhance certain physical features, such as breasts, buttocks, or lips, Avner chose a different path by undergoing surgeries to resemble an animal.

His unconventional choices and transformation distinguish him as an individual who strives to embrace a unique identity.

Donatella Versace

Donatella Francesca Versace, born on May 2, 1955, in Reggio Calabria, Calabria, Italy, is a prominent figure in the fashion industry.

While she is known for her role as a businesswoman, fashion designer, and model, her appearance has sparked discussions and differing opinions.

Donatella is the sister of Gianni Versace, the renowned founder of the Versace brand.

Over the years, she has undergone various cosmetic surgeries, which some may argue have had an impact on her appearance.

While beauty standards and personal opinions vary, Donatella’s appearance has occasionally drawn attention and led to her being labeled among the individuals considered “ugliest” by certain observers.

Iggy Pop

Iggy Pop, born James Newell Osterberg Jr. on April 21, 1947, in Muskegon, Michigan, United States, is a renowned musician, songwriter, and singer.

He gained prominence as the lead vocalist and lyricist for the band The Stooges, which was formed in 1967.

Iggy Pop is widely recognized as the Godfather of Punk, contributing significantly to the punk rock movement.

In 2010, Iggy Pop was identified as the “ugliest” celebrity in America according to a survey conducted by The Good Surgeon Guide.

The survey involved polling 1,300 people to determine public perceptions of celebrities’ appearances.

Despite this distinction, it is important to acknowledge that beauty is subjective, and personal opinions on physical appearances may vary widely.

Iggy Pop’s influence and impact on the music industry, particularly in the punk genre, have made him an iconic figure.

His contributions to music and his unique style have earned him a devoted fan base and a lasting legacy in the world of rock and roll.

Jocelyn Wildenstein

Jocelyn Wildenstein, born on September 7, 1940, in Lausanne, Switzerland.

She is an American socialite who gained notoriety for her high-profile marriage to billionaire businessman and art dealer Alec Wildenstein.

Over the years, Jocelyn has lived a lavish and extravagant lifestyle, which eventually led her to file for bankruptcy.

While Jocelyn’s appearance has attracted significant media attention, it’s important to approach discussions of physical appearance with sensitivity and respect.

Jocelyn has undergone extensive cosmetic surgeries throughout her life, spending millions of dollars to alter her appearance.

These surgeries have resulted in a distinctive look often referred to as resembling a cat-like appearance.

